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Recycling Victoria's purpose is to strengthen Victoria's waste and recycling system. It aims to increase the reliability and transparency of the sector and maximise the ongoing use of products and materials that would otherwise be waste.

City of Melbourne has set a target to divert 90 percent of waste from landfill by 2030 and a 20 percent reduction in household waste per capita between 2019 and 2030. Moving towards a circular economy, which eliminates waste and reuses resources, will help keep Melbourne a sustainable, beautiful, safe and liveable city.

It will divert materials from landfill, minimise extraction of natural resources, and reduce carbon emissions. Improving building design is critical to improving resource recovery, easing congestion, reducing noise and odour pollution and keeping our city clean. It is up to everyone in the city - residents, workers, developers, visitors and businesses – to work towards zero waste.

The historic Western Treatment Plant in Werribee is a world leader in environmentally-friendly sewage treatment, and one of Victoria’s most unlikely hidden treasures.

Roughly the size of Phillip Island, the vast site is home to more than just sewage treatment facilities – doubling as a working farm and internationally-recognised bird habitat. Here, agriculture and biodiversity meet resource recovery, education and ecotourism, supporting Melbourne’s renowned liveability.
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